Prayer and Worship
We believe our highest calling is to worship God, and the foundation of all we do is in prayer.
Since the early days of the church, prayer has been its bedrock. When we didn’t know what to do when we met at first, we prayed. When we were faced with difficulties, we prayed. When we were faced with disappointment, or challenged in the spiritual Warfare realm, we prayed. When we gave God the praise for the victory, it was in prayer.
Many times we started to pray in the daylight, only to find when we opened our eyes, it was dark. Sometimes in prayer we felt we could reach out and touch Him.
God’s very presence can invade our corporate prayer times. Prayer changes things. At times We co partner with the Holy Spirit. Other times we bring our intercession on our own behalf, and also for others needs. We believe in prayer.
Worship’ is one of those words that has multiple meanings. In fact, in the Old Testament there are seven different words for ‘worship’ in Hebrew! We see from these meanings that worship is practical – in other words, involves our body; and it is also unseen – something that happens in our hearts as we draw near to God and He draws near to us. Worship is both the act and the result of drawing near, and it involves the transformation of our entire lives. Worship also leads to mission, and mission leads to worship; as the nature of God changes us and the people around us. Worship is so important for us at Chase, because worship is so important in heaven, where the worship never stops. If we want to see the kingdom of heaven on earth, as Jesus taught us to pray, then we must worship!