Our History
Chase Family Church started out in 1968 as a house church, meeting in a home in Green Dragon Lane, Winchmore Hill, North London (pictured above). In those days we were known as Winchmore Hill Christian Fellowship. As the church grew, it moved to progressively larger hired premises. Since the early 1990's our Sunday morning meetings were held in the main hall of Enfield Grammar School, a large secondary school in the centre of Enfield Town. Following the move to the Grammar School, the name of the church was changed to Chase Fellowship.
In 2002 we began leasing part of the St Paul's Centre in Enfield Town for use as a meeting hall and church office. This facilitated more midweek activities, serving as a rehearsal room for the worship team and a base for Firestorm, our youth club.
In 2011 God wonderfully provided for us by making available the premises at Shirley Hall, a former Brethren Assembly which is only one street away from St Paul’s. After a major refurbishment programme we moved in on 1st September.
We never forget that the church is the people, not a building. It’s an organism, not an organisation, a living body made up of different members, each playing a vital part in the corporate life of the whole church. Although numbers have increased, the church still keeps its sense of being a family. We meet together regularly as a church family to praise and worship God for who He is and for all He has done for us in and through Jesus. Christ.
This family ethos is reflected in the new name CHASE FAMILY CHURCH which we adopted in July 2008.
We stopped meeting at the Grammar school in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Since restrictions have eased we started meeting at Shirley Hall on a Sunday.